- EnerSys Corporation
- EnerSys Specializes in the implementation of SCADA, field automation and custody transfer measurement for oil and gas operations. We provide practical knowledge and innovative results to provide proven solutions to achieve maximum operational value.
- GCI -- Gas Certification Institute
- Gas Certification Institute (GCI) offers a unique proving ground to certify your equipment and personnel to make sure they are ready for the battle ahead. Our live gas pipeline lets you see how your equipment will perform in real-world applications and gives field technicians a chance to apply learnings from the classroom to a live gas pipeline environment.
- Production Excellence
- Production Excellence, Inc. is a hydrocarbon processing industry management consulting and executive development company. We provide industry Executives and Plant Managers with a systems approach to transforming their plant organization and improving the capability of their workforce.
- TiPS
- Provider of state-of-the-art alarm management tools and alarm management solutions.
- User Centered Design Services
- User Centered Design Services is a consulting company focusing on Operational Excellence. They deliver state of the art solutions for Best Practice gap assessments, console and field operator staffing assessments, control building design, alarm management, and human-computer interface.
Nice to Visit
- EEMUA - Engineering Equipment and Materials Users Association
- Publishers of the first comprehensive guide (#191) of the best practices in the design, management, and procurement of DCS alarm systems. The publication was done in cooperation with major US and European petrochemical and related industries. D-RoTH has been granted the use of the EEMUA Logo.
- ISA - International Society of Automation
- Good Internet Web Seminars on a wide variety of subjects. Be sure and check out the ones under key word "alarm".
- Walt Boyes, Editor-in-Chief Control Magazine and ControlGlobal
- Five minutes of back to basics on alarm management
- Where D-RoTH is Located
- Map and directions to visit us